During the pandemic, parent Amalia Sanchez was unsatisfied with “the way brick-and-mortar schools [were handling] the situation.” She knew she needed to find a new education path for her daughter. The family considered a number of online schools, but felt a strong connection with Pearson right from the start. Amalia’s daughter is thriving as a student at Pearson Online Academy.
At Pearson Online Academy, “communication is clear, constant, quick, and helpful,” Amalia reports. “The teachers… really care about my student’s progress. I feel much closer to them than [I did to the teachers at our old] brick-and-mortar school.”
Since enrolling at Pearson, Amalia’s daughter has become more “responsible and self-directed… She takes the time to take notes, studying and understanding, connecting the information to her other subjects and to her life.”
Amalia is thrilled with how active her daughter is, both in school and out. “My daughter participates in the Drama Club… and helps at Pearson Press, where she interacts with classmates.” Outside of school, she takes music lessons and swims three days a week in the afternoons. She also likes collecting and reading Penguin Popular Classics, which Amalia and her daughter enjoy searching for in used bookstores.
“Pearson has helped my daughter… develop skills that will help her for life.”
— Amalia