Ms. Schaffer

Ms. Schaffer

Ms. Schaffer is a math teacher at Pearson Online Academy. She started her teaching career in 2009 and joined Pearson Online Academy in 2014. Ms. Schaffer holds a bachelor’s degree in communications from the University of California Los Angeles and a master’s degree in education from the University of Hawaii at Manoa. She shares her story below.

“I became a teacher because I love to teach and help students learn math. I have served as a middle school teacher and a high school math teacher, an instructional coach, a new teacher mentor to other math teachers, and a teacher for college students who were working on getting their elementary teaching degrees. The benefit of teaching at an online school is that I get to spend personal time with each student and family. I also get to help tailor my math class to meet the needs of my students, and that allows so much learning to happen!

Getting an education at Pearson Online Academy helps students to reach their full potential and to get the most out of their coursework. There is an emphasis on communication, which is vital to our students’ futures. Because our students come from such different places and situations all over the world, communication really brings everyone together in a special way. The online community provides students who might otherwise be shy in a bricks-and-mortar classroom with the opportunity to socialize.”

When she’s not teaching, Ms. Schaffer enjoys spending time with her husband and their one-year-old child, and traveling to Pennsylvania to visit family. She lives in Oahu, Hawaii, where she often goes to the beach, swimming, and out to eat.

I love teaching at Pearson Online Academy because of the students and families I get to meet from all over the world. There is such variety in the reasons that bring our students to online learning.
— Ms. Schaffer