Tom is a middle school student at Pearson Online Academy who travels frequently with his family. At Pearson, he can get his schoolwork done at any time of day, even on weekends. Tom likes that he can work ahead, “so when I miss some days due to traveling, I’m still on track.”
Why Tom’s Family Chose Pearson Online Academy
Tom is eager to learn—about almost anything. “I like science because it teaches me about the universe and the human body. I like math because numbers intrigue me. I like social studies because [I like learning] about the history and culture of many different countries around the world.”
Like all students, Tom relies on his teachers. “My teachers help me when I encounter things I do not understand during a course,” he explains. “They also track my progress” to make sure he doesn’t fall behind, especially when traveling.
Tom was particularly proud of his performance on a recent computer-based assessment (CBA). “My math teacher… told me it was the best CBA [he’d seen]. I will never forget [that] compliment.”
Active and Engaged, Even Outside of School
Tom’s thirst for knowledge extends beyond his coursework: “I am passionate about dinosaurs [and] read everything I can find about them. I have become quite an expert!”
He is also active in several sports, including judo and jiu jitsu. And even with such a busy schedule, Tom still finds time to play in the family’s pool.
What I like most about Pearson Online Academy is that the classes are interesting and the teachers are welcoming.
— Tom